Jenny is a Registered Adult Nurse with 19 years’ experience. Jenny originally trained at Staffordshire university. She completed her degree in Clinical Practice – Care of the Older Person and went on to undertake her Non-medical Prescribing qualification. More recently she has completed a Post-Graduate Certificate in Palliative and End of life Care.
Jenny has worked in several roles across Wolverhampton, primarily working in a community setting as a District Nurse, Locality Manager and Community Matron. She holds the title of Queen’s Nurse (QN) in recognition of her commitment to patient care and nursing practice. In recent years Jenny has moved to the specialty of palliative and end of life care and currently works as a Clinical Lead for Inpatient and Living Well services at Compton Care, a hospice in Wolverhampton, West Midlands.
Jenny is passionate about the delivery of holistic care to her patients and currently leads on a number of educational and patient wellbeing initiatives, this includes the use of emerging technologies in the provision of her clinical services.
Compton Care provide clinical care services and expertise to people living with complex and incurable conditions in their home or their chosen place of care.
They pride themselves on “…working with patients to inspire, support and encourage them to take charge of their lives - because being alive isn't the same as feeling alive”.
Jenny has been the lead on a pilot for Compton Care using Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality within a hospice setting in three key digital transformation initiatives:
o Creating immersive 360 virtual reality experiences to ease the fear and hesitation experienced by patients approaching the need for hospice or palliative care
o Using augmented reality to train staff on a range of health conditions (also used for showing patients what is affecting their condition rather than simply telling)
o Using VR in pain management therapy
The case study will look at the role of Virtual Reality and other emerging technologies within healthcare settings and specifically within the specialism of Palliative and End of Life Care.
As a clinical health care practitioner and without a background in digital technology, Jenny will share her experiences as the manager tasked with trialing these initiatives and on working with a range of stakeholders to do so – including the digital experts, senior management, staff, patients, and their family or carers.
Jenny will examine the challenges of a workforce who are not familiar with new and emerging technologies and how we worked with our education partner to support staff to gain confidence in its use and how the use of emerging technologies required a change in mind-set and practice.
The case study will examine the impact the device has had on our patients here at the hospice and how we evaluated its efficacy.
Finally, she will summarise from an end-user’s perspective – at our next steps, what we could have done differently and how we will continue to include these technologies in patient care and education.